Goodbye Homo Economicus
Anatole Kaletsky
Was Adam Smith an economist? Was Keynes, Ricardo or Schumpeter? By the
standards of today’s academic economists, the answer is no. Smith,
Ricardo and Keynes produced no mathematical models. Their work lacked
the “analytical rigour” and precise deductive logic demanded by modern
economics. And none of them ever produced an econometric forecast
(although Keynes and Schumpeter were able mathematicians). If any of
these giants of economics applied for a university job today, they
would be rejected. As for their written work, it would not have a
chance of acceptance in the Economic Journal or American Economic
Review. The editors, if they felt charitable, might advise Smith and
Keynes to try a journal of history or sociology.
So what is to be done? There are two options. Either economics has to be
abandoned as an academic discipline, becoming a mere appendage to the
collection of industrial and social statistics. Or it must undergo an
intellectual revolution. The dominant research programmes must be
recognised as failures and instead of using oversimplified assumptions
to create mathematical models that purport to give precise numerical
conclusions, economists must re-open their subject to a range of
speculative approaches, drawing insights from history, psychology and
sociology, and applying the methods of historians, political theorists
and even journalists, not just mathematicians and statisticians. At the
same time, they must limit their ambitions to explaining only what the
tools of economics allow you to understand.
La importancia de la visión interdisciplinaria a partir de la ruptura de paradigmas tradicionales pero poco funcionales, tal como rescata Kaletsky agudamente en este artículo, debiera retomarse tanto en el ánálisis de los problemas económicos del mundo como en los de la humanidad en general. De ser así, algunos de estos pudieran ser resueltos de forma más eficiente o tal vez menos caótica.
Gracias por el artículo.
Publicado por: Lucía | 10/04/09 en 13:56
Pues me parece que la Economia no puede ser juzgada solo por el hecho de producir modelos matematicos, no todo debe estar regido por ello, a final de cuentas, los modelos son alimentados de las hipotesis economicas.
Lo cierto en la era que estamos, es que los dogmas en economia deben terminar, no hay preceptos universales, como muchos creyeron y todavia creen
Publicado por: Raúl Zepeda | 10/04/09 en 22:59